CORRISPONDENZE MAGAZINE _ presentation with Simone Scardino and Osservatorio Futura

Thursday, June 9th, 7 pm Tram Diogene, Corso Regio Parco / Corso Verona – Torino Progetto Diogene hosts the presentation of Corrispondenze, an independent art magazine, published every six months. Corrispondenze magazine is both a printed space and a stepping-stone to foster new and old relations. It is an ongoing investigation whose founding principle is “correspondence” […]
Collecting People | Mosè Morsut e Francesco Di Meglio

MARGIN, MOUNTAINS, MUSIC, SUSTAINABILITY, RELATIONSHIP Wednesday, May 18th, 6.30 pm Tram Diogene, Corso Regio Parco / Corso Verona – Torino At the end of September 2019, the young guitarist Moses Morsut completed his project Pizzicando le Alpi, a journey on foot through the Alps on the Sentiero Italia: 1087 kilometers, 49021 500 meters of altitude difference […]
Collecting People | La memoria dei vinti. Elena Testa & Beatrice Verri

Friday, April 8th, 6.30 PM Heritage Lab Italgas, Corso Palermo 4, Torino The need to archive and preserve accompanies any human, private and collective activity. Often the future use of information and documents is not foreseeable; it is therefore necessary to form the awareness that even the disorder of the data, the partial or total loss of […]
Collecting People | Va’ Sentiero in dialogue with Andrea Lerda

COLLECTING PEOPLE | Va’ Sentiero in dialogue with Andrea Lerda >>>Thursday, October 18, 6 pm Tram Diogene, Rotonda Regio Parco e Verona, Torino As part of Collecting People, an initiative aimed at sharing knowledge through encounters and impromptu interventions, Progetto Diogene presents Va ‘Sentiero, a travel project along the Sentiero Italia, a little-known path of about 7,000 km […]
Collecting People | Alice Zannoni in dialogue with Osservatorio Futura

COLLECTING PEOPLE | Alice Zannoni in dialogue with Osservatorio Futura >>>Monday, October 18, 6 pm Tram Diogene, Rotonda Regio Parco e Verona, Torino As part of Collecting People – an initiative aimed at sharing knowledge through extemporaneous meetings and interventions, sometimes determined by the simple passage in the city of a researcher – Diogene Project is happy to host Alice […]
The Unseen 2020 | Luigi Coppola

Progetto Diogene in collaboration with Galleria Oggetti Specifici, concludes The Unseen_2020 With great pleasure Progetto Diogene, in collaboration with Oggetti Specifici, hosts the final meeting of the second edition of the project The Unseen, scheduled for 2020. Born in 2017 and now at its second edition, “The Unseen” investigates and exposes the research and production of knowledge that […]
Bivaccourbano_Studio | Simone Scardino

From September 2021 Progetto Diogene will launch a new design action to respond to the critical issues and needs of artists in this period of emergency. With a pandemic behind them that has created a situation of instability in contemporary society and the current phase of discontinuity and slow recovery, artists are led to reflect […]

Tips&Tricks Nell’arte di indagare, l’andamento del pensiero procede fianco a fianco e risponde continuamente al mutamento e al fluire dei materiali con cui lavoriamo. Questi materiali pensano in noi, e noi pensiamo tramite loro. Tim Ingold, Making. Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture Tips&Tricks is our new artistic residency idea on Progetto Diogene Instagram profile. It […]

Progetto Diogene in collaboration with Galleria Oggetti Specifici, presents The Unseen_2020 Born in 2017 and now at its second edition, “The Unseen” investigates and exposes the research and production of knowledge that is inherent in every artist’s work. The creative core that remains hidden, underground, and that is yet vital, essential for the final artistic […]
PROGETTO DIOGENE_Fundraising Exhibition 2020

Gamma Capital Markets Piazza C.L.N. 255, 10123 Turin 14 th March – 24 th July 2020 from Monday to Saturday, 9AM-8PM (by appointment only, as percurrent legislation) infos: +39 347.413.8111 Silvano From here, it starts again A few days before the lockdown we were setting up a meaningful exhibition in collaboration with Silvano Alberi, prof. Giovanni Cuniberti and Gamma Capital Markets […]

Attila Faravelli Aural seeds for Pianpicollo Friday November 22nd 2019, 6.30 pm Tram Diogene – rotonda Regio Parco X Verona, Torino Progetto Diogene presents the research of sound artist Attila Faravelli, conducted within the annual artist residency program “Pianpicollo Research Residency”, a project created by Pianpicollo Selvatico – Center for Research in the Arts […]

Progetto Diogene Open Tram Saturday 2nd November 2019, from 8,00 pm Tram Diogene, roundabout Regio Parco x Verona, Turin Progetto Diogene, as part of the Contemporary Arts Night, opens the doors of the renewed tram to offer a stop-off point and a decompression spot from the immersion in the events of the Turin contemporary art week. A refreshment based […]

Tuesday 29th October 2019, 6,30 pm Tram Diogene, roundabout Regio Parco x Verona, Turin In autumn 2019 Diogene starts the Nuovi Cittadini (New Citizens) project, a series of public talks presenting the research of artists who have recently chosen to live and work in Turin. The Diogene Tram will welcome the experiences of some “new citizens” through questions and possibilities, choices […]
House of Displacement | curated by CampoBase

HOUSE OF DISPLACEMENT curated by CampoBase House of Displacement is a four-day festival curated by CampoBase which takes place within the urban context of Turin. The program aims at reflecting on the issue of displacement, intended as a shared contemporary experience, adopting an immersive and participatory approach. House of Displacement is the final project of […]

Wednesday, September 18th 2019, h. 19 Tram Diogene. Rotonda Corso Regio Parco / Corso Verona, Torino In autumn 2019 Diogene starts the Nuovi Cittadini (New Citizens) project, a series of public talks presenting the research of artists who have recently chosen to live and work in the city of Turin. The Diogene Tram will welcome the […]

DIOGENE _ Incanto Auction in support of Progetto Diogene Monday, April 8th 2019, h. 18-21 Fondazione Merz, via Limone 24 – Torino refreshments h. 20 Artists: Tea Andreoletti, Apparatus 22, Franco Ariaudo, Alice Benessia, Luca Bertolo, Ludovica Carbotta, Caretto/Spagna, Lia Cecchin, Manuele Cerutti, Michela Depetris, Sara Enrico, Cleo Fariselli, Francesca Ferreri, Mattia Ferretti, Pierluigi Fresia, […]
Night of Contemporary Arts _ 2018

PROGETTO DIOGENE _ Open Greenhouse Saturday, November 3rd 2018, from 8PM Diogene roundabout, Corso Regio Parco X Corso Verona, Torino In the context of the Night of Contemporary Arts, Progetto Diogene sets up a cozy resting area, a “decompression stage” to take a break from the immersion in the events of Torino’s contemporary week. A tunnel […]

PROGETTO DIOGENE 2008-2018_shared reflections on 10 years of activity. Diogene’s artists in dialogue with Daria Carmi Saturday, November 3rd 2018, 4PM Docks Dora. Via Valprato, 68 – Torino @NESXT Novella Guerra In/Out c/o Studio65 The artists of Progetto Diogene, in dialogue with the curator of visual art Daria Carmi, will be assessing their ten-years of experience, […]

TEA ANDREOLETTI Saint Sylvia In Primo Luogo Via Garibaldi 18/ Via Corte d’Appello 7bis, Turin Opening Friday 3 November at noon. 3-4-5 November 2017 from noon to 10 pm As customary during the days of Artissima, Progetto Diogene is glad to present a new project by artist Tea Andreoletti, the final result of her residency […]

Cyrilla Mozenter Wednesday 4 October 2017 at 6.30 pm Tram Diogene Corso Regio Parco X Corso Verona, Turin Diogene presents the third event of “The Unseen”, a new project aimed at investigating and showcasing the research and production of knowledge that is inherent in every artist’s work. That creative core that remains hidden, underground, and that is yet […]