
From September 2021 Progetto Diogene will launch a new design action to respond to the critical issues and needs of artists in this period of emergency.

With a pandemic behind them that has created a situation of instability in contemporary society and the current phase of discontinuity and slow recovery, artists are led to reflect on the resulting need for research and redefinition; even more the intent of the Diogenes association, with a consequent change of function for their space, the Diogenes Tram.

With the Bivaccourbano_Studio project, the result of the rethinking of the historic residence – Bivaccourbano_R, founded in 2007, the Diogene association makes its space available to the Turin creative community, the Tram located in the roundabout between Corso Regio Parco and Corso Verona. The main function will be that of a space dedicated to active design, of experimentation for local artists, currently without a studio / laboratory in which to carry out their work.



Starting from 12 September, the first artist participating in Bivaccourbano_Studio will be Simone Scardino, a recent graduate in Sculpture and Visual Arts at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts.

Simone Scardino (Venaria Reale, 1995). Lives and works in Turin. His research revolves around the relationship between anthropology and understanding the ecologies of different ecosystems, in order to deconstruct some anthropocentric models of inhabiting the Earth. His multidisciplinary artistic practice addresses issues such as the study of the landscape (horizon between nature and culture), metamorphosis and symbiosis, investigating the meaning of biodiversity and the human being, understood not as a living species but as a state of being.