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Turin –  on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, at 6 pm, the Serie Inversa project will renew its meetings at the Diogene Tram. In this new cycle, the first artist invited to present her work is Aurora Paolillo (Turin 1990).

Her research focuses mainly on giving a shape to all those bonds that we do not see, but which exist. Empathetic bonds that form among some people, places, and objects, and that manage to give meaning to our existence. The lasting or fleeting bonds that inevitably make up our lives.   Paolillo’s work therefore aims to give meaning and shape to the relationship that exists between our  Being and the different dimensions of living, by means of an attentive observation of the surrounding reality and everyday environments. The artist is particularly interested in the details of things, those details that easily become invisible to us when they are consolidated into our habits.  Aware of the changing aspects of matter, Paolillo focuses on recording all those fragmentary realities, that are provisional or, on the contrary, in a phase of growth and change, and never finished, never complete. Through an action of (re) constructing and deconstructing reality, the artist thereby seeks to create new grafts, which alter the usual appearance of things.

This talk is the kickoff of the informal meetings of the Serie Inversa, an annual program through which Progetto Diogene carries out an initiative of scouting the creative scene in Piedmont, and activating a path of tutoring and backing during which  – alongside the artist and his/her work – artists and audience members take part in the discussion, both constructively and critically, thus having an impact on many of the aspects that concern the sphere of production, of theoretical training, and the positioning of artistic practice within society in this historic moment.